Partners In Action helps three retailers grow their businesses.

Being mentored really did change my life” – this is the kind of feedback that the Partners for Growth team has received from past mentoree Babar Sarfraz ,which has not only delighted the team but reinforced the importance of a programme like Partners for Growth.

Given the previous mentoring successes, the Partners for Growth team were keen to showcase the benefits of following their advice to a wider audience, and so teamed up with leading industry magazine, Independent Retail News, to launch the Partners in Action initiative.

IRNLondis060418a006.JPGThree lucky retailers were selected to receive visits from the Partners for Growth team of category and business experts for an initial ‘fact finding session’, during which the experts learnt about the current business performance, challenges the businesses were facing and aspirations the retailers had. As a follow up, the retailers benefited from a series of business and category recommendations, which were featured in IRN magazine.

With a final write-up still to appear in Independent Retail News and which will detail the impact of the advice, initial indications are very promising. Sarj Patel of Pasture Lane Stores in Loughborough has already seen a 25% increase in his laundry and household cleaners’ sales and by implementing a number of the business recommendations has already seen a big impact on his business. IRN_Front Cover1.png

If you would like to find out more about the mentoring visits, click on the links below:

Sarj Patel of Pastures Lane Store – click here to find out about the store visit in February’s Independent Retail News

Pratik Sampat of Premier Express – click here to read more about the store visit in March’s Independent Retail News

Fal & Dilip Patel of Londis in Clapham Park – click here to see how we got on during the store visit in April’s Independent Retail News

We caught up with our Partners in Actions retailers to see how the support and advice has helped their business –  click here to find out more

 Partners in Action visit to Londis Clapham Park

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